
THE app for Squab Farmers

See the Features

About SquabTracker

If you are interested in learning more about the program that has been custom developed for Squab Farmers, and is in use by the SPOC farm, please let us know!

  • The advanced version is the full version of the app with all of the features available and more on the way. Please see below for a full list of features!
  • A basic version of the program is available with the Quality Assurance and Notes functions. This version does not require a scanner but can utilize an Android phone for recording data.


View all the data recorded on the scanners in the same format as the paper charts. These enhanced charts also dynamically display which pairs meet the breeder or cull criteria. These charts are available on both the handheld and the computer.


Keep track of Dead Squab, Adults, and Replacement Breeders, and view information like the date, who recorded it, and where it was recorded.


The system will generate graphs to view squab counts, fatalities and other important information in a line chart format. This helps to identify trends in the data!


View information about which nests are full and which are empty and what the status of that pen is.

Nest History

Look back to see if a pair was culled or moved from a nest and what date that happened.


Record notes about a nest or pen and the system will keep track of these notes. Great for warning the user about a double or a pair that moved to a different nest box.


All of the pairs are tracked in the system via a unique id. Record if the pair is banded and see notes and vaccinations and also this pairs production history reqardless of where the pair is moved at the farm.


Record the information from the plant tag for a graph showing average weight and other calculations.

Quality Assurance

Record the Quality Assurance items from the farm from the handheld or a computer and run printable reports showing what was done when.


Squabs are recorded in the system and can be marked as three categories, Lite-Normal-Heavy, to help view more information about a pair than just the number of squabs they had last year.


Record vaccinations by pair, pen, or building with a customizable number of days that the pair should be re-vaccinationed.


If a mistake is made on the handheld, the user can edit and correct this before continuing.

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more about the SquabTracker program please contact us. We can schedule a time to discuss the current features that are available and how it will help you manage your farm.

James Miller - squabtracker@gmail.com